The photo that accompanies this entry - taken a number of years ago - is of the current Assistant General Secretary of the Methodist Church,Rev. Tevita Baninavua(left) and standing next to him is Rev Dr Tevita Baleiwaqa, formerly - until his untimely death - Church History Lecturer at Davuilevu Methodist Theological College. They are standing outside the Baker Hall at Davuilevu. Tevita Banivanua, along with his Executive colleagues, faces a particular challenge this year. The last Methodist Conference was in 2008 and since then the government has banned the annual meeting. This year, as part of the government's preparation for a new constitution, the authorities have said that the Methodist Conference may go ahead. This will very likely see the elevation of Tevita Banivanua to the position of General Secretary and the election of Rev Tuikilakila Waqairatu as President. The latter is currently among a group of ministers held captive to the vagaries of Fijian law for allegedly holding a church meeting without the requisite police permit. In the light of the regime's recent decision to abolish the Great Council of Chiefs, the Church is under increasing pressure in its determination to maintain as far as possible a point of view separate from that of the government. The Church must reassert its right to hold meetings essential to the proper functioning of all church organisations and which have no direct political implication.